Disclaimer: The following statements are backed by decades of peer-reviewed research. Read on to learn more...
“And I can’t lose my daughter. But it seems like I’m losing both...”
This is the last thing I remember before I lost consciousness.
I woke up to paramedics running the ECG tests.
I was alive…
Even though I didn't want to be.
From the corner of my eye, I saw my beautiful daughter hysterically crying and my dear husband worried sick.
Yet I did see the light.
And the light was warm, comforting, inviting even.
I tried so hard to reach its source.
Yet every time I did, something kept yanking me back to life.
And then I heard the voice.
It’s like the light was speaking to me even though it didn’t have a mouth.
Yet I heard the instructions loud and clear.
It wasn’t my time to go just yet.
I had a higher and bigger purpose to fulfill.
I had to stay alive…
I consider this a mission complete.
The light told me it wasn’t my time.
And I needed to help other women like myself with their hair loss problems.
That’s what I have done.
And as you’ll see in just a few moments, the way the story unfolds is extraordinary.
It led me to discover the real reason so many women over 50s struggle with hair loss…
By the way, if we’re meeting for the first time, my name is Rebecca Armstrong.
I’m a mom to a gorgeous daughter and wife to a wonderful man Jason.
And I’ve spent my whole life battling with unmanageable hair.
My hair was thinning so bad it revealed my scalp.
Because of this, random strangers stopped me on the streets to express their sympathy.
They thought I had cancer.
My hair loss was so bad that even at my daughter's wedding…
The most important day of my baby girl’s life...
The guests completely ignored her.
Instead of celebrating my daughter and the union of love and commitment…
As you can imagine, this hindered my relationship with my daughter.
We got into a huge fight…
And I’m so embarrassed to admit this…
Yet we said things a mother and a daughter should never have said to each other.
My daughter spat harmful insults at me.
And the worst thing…
Deep down, I KNEW she was right.
By the end of the fight, she told me she would never speak to me again.
When she said these words…
It felt like my heart stopped.
All of a sudden I couldn’t breathe.
I was gasping for air…
While I felt a sharp pain in my chest…
This was the worst day of my life.
The thought of losing my daughter and my hair at the same time destroyed me.
And that’s how I found myself going in and out of consciousness…
Thinking I had a heart attack.
In retrospect, I know now that
Because of this moment of weakness that almost cost me my life…
Led me to discover the real reason why women lose their hair the second they turn 45.
Fix this one thing…
And you’re on your way to enjoying silky, smooth, natural, glowing locks.
Like you did in your 20s and even 30s.
You see what I’ve learned…
That hair regrowth and revitalization have to do with one simple ingredient.
The ingredient that immediately unfolds the pinched hair follicles…
So they can finally flourish and grow healthy, silky, strong hair strands.
An ingredient that not only unfolds the existing hair follicles…
Because after what I’ve learned and am about to share with you…
You’ll see
And as you’ll see in the next five minutes…
Scientists from the most prestigious Ivy League Schools have proof it’s true
So you can finally stop feeling self-conscious about the way your hair looks…
Stop playing an expensive gamble of finding the right hair product for your hair type…
And put an end to endless worrying about losing your hair forever…
You can finally enjoy the thick, smooth, and silky head of hair.
Just think about how many different hairstyle options you’ll have.
You can be free to wear whichever style you like…
You’ll have the freedom to try something new every day…
You’ll look AND feel confident, sexy, and powerful yet again.
Because the second this ingredient gets into your bloodstream…
It rushes to your hair follicles to save the existing hair strands from dying and falling out…
It clears the path for the nutrients to flood your weak and lifeless hair…
And gives way to new, thick, and gorgeous locks.
The most fascinating thing is I didn’t discover this ingredient.
This hair supernutrient has been used for over 2,000 years by Indian women.
And if you’ve ever seen a woman from that part of the world…
You’d know just how gorgeous their hair is…
It’s thick, luscious, strong, and bouncy.
In fact, Indian hair is considered to be the most beautiful hair in the world.
You’re here because your hair is not what you hoped it would be at this age.
And it’s getting worse by the day.
Maybe you first noticed a change in your hair texture after pregnancy.
Or perhaps you’ve always struggled with dull hair and wispy ends.
Or maybe your hair started to fall out once you hit the menopause.
And when that happened, just like most women, you went into a spending frenzy…
Trying every hair growth serum, cream, or powder…
Yet your hair still hasn’t changed.
And maybe you still don’t like what you see in the mirror.
Either way.
This is not your fault.
It really isn’t.
No matter how hard you suck the liquid in…
Nothing will get through.
The same is happening to your hair right now.
Your hair follicles are pinched.
Your hair strands are starving to death.
So they fall out like crazy.
That’s why no matter how many creams, oil serums, or collagen products you take...
And how did that happen?
You might call this a conspiracy.
I call it a lot of powerful people being on the same page.
It’s your government. It’s your pharmaceutical companies. It’s your hair care specialists. And it’s your favorite beauty brand.
Nothing the FDA, a famous hair brand, or even the Morning Show hosts suggest… has given you your gorgeous locks back. Am I right or wrong?
And you’re probably sick of it.
You don’t want to wake up to a pillowcase full of hair…
To constantly clean your shower drain…
And to stop
You’re tired of constantly being self-conscious about your looks.
You want your superpower back.
You want to get your magnetism back.
And I don’t blame you.
Because losing your hair is dangerous to your marriage…
And your health.
I know it was for mine.
Because if I’m frank here... there is no denying men love with their eyes.
And at some point…
Some years ago, your gorgeous shiny locks mesmerized him…
Your hair lured him in…
He couldn’t get his eyes off of you…
But today…
There is no magnetism…
And no matter how much he says, he loves you…
He doesn’t look at you the way he used to.
The truth is…
Men are afraid to hurt our feelings…
So he won’t say anything about your hair…
But you can see it in his eyes…
There is no excitement… no hunger…
The spark is long gone…
And I really hope he doesn’t throw quick glares at other younger women with shiny, gorgeous bouncy locks.
That would really hurt.
And deep down, you know that if you could get rid of baldness and get your thick, long, silky locks back…
You’d be so much more attractive to men.
You would feel so much more powerful.
You would ooze confidence.
And you’d smile so much more often.
You’d invite welcome attention from both men and women with ease and confidence.
You’ll stop getting questions about your “cancer” journey.
You’ll stop getting lectures from your hair stylist to stop hot hair treatment…
…something you already stopped doing years ago.
Well, I’m here to tell you again… it wasn’t your fault, and it isn’t your fault.
We’ll fix this.
Right now.
Just be sure to keep reading this letter until the very end.
That’s my only ask.
What kind of transformation?
Imagine your body working WITH you instead of AGAINST you…
And actually becomes a natural anti-hair loss tool.
If instead of BLOCKING the nutrients from getting into your hair…
It rushed the vital ingredients to your scalp…
So your hair begins to grow like a beautiful Amazon forest.
So your only headache in the morning will be choosing the hairstyle to wear.
But most importantly, your husband will finally look at you with a mischievous spark in his eyes.
I know mine did.
Don’t believe this is possible?
Does it look like a body that struggles to grow gorgeous locks, despite my age?
Does it look like a change you can get by using traditional remedies we all have been sold to believe?
And I didn’t just regrow and revitalize my hair for these pictures.
I haven’t lost a single strand in years…
There are no thinning or bald patches.
All you can see is the gorgeous, thick hair I’ve always wanted.
Because my hair is THIS healthy.
I don’t spend hours in front of the mirror every morning or every night.
Nor do I have an extensive list of hair care products.
Sure, there are some must-haves to keep your hair happy...
But it’s not a list of 12+ overpriced chemical toxins we’re told are good for us.
And sure, you might be thinking right now…
And truth be told, I get this all the time.
They call it BS, a gimmick even until they try it.
And then, all of a sudden, it’s battle-tested science.
Yet I personally call this more of a tradition.
A tradition from Indian aunties of the East to us ladies of the West who need help.
The best part…
It takes 15 seconds to implement this solution in the morning.
That’s it.
So get ready for magic.
…instead of hours every day.
And if you don’t have just 15 seconds a day to dedicate to reviving and growing a beautiful head of hair, you can stop reading now.
Nothing will help you.
Because it doesn’t get easier or more effective than this.
My girlfriends and I made it a staple in our morning hair routine.
It’s the easiest thing in the world.
No need for itchy hair regrowth creams… or dangerous spray-on hair solutions…
That’s so 90s.
Because the problem with this approach is…
And those follicles that are left become weak and fold over like a piece of thin paper.
So no matter how many creams, serums, or spray-on treatments you use to revive your hair…
None work.
And none will EVER work.
You keep spending a small fortune…
Adding MORE products to your already extensive list…
…hoping something would work.
I know I’ve been there.
However, has it ever occurred to you that there must be a natural way to support healthy hair and fight all these hair loss issues?
A way that’s been used for centuries?
Without having to use pounds of toxic chemicals to regrow your hair?
Mainly because after all the hair regrowth serums, collagen powders, prescription creams, hair masks, moisturizers, leave-in conditioners, hair caps you tried…
Sure, you could try the most expensive and popular product on the market…
Or see the most sought-after hair stylist in the country…
And they might make your hair look great for a few hours…
But once you get out of the salon…
When their products filled with chemicals stop working…
In the beauty industry, hair stylists and dermatologists don’t care about your hair.
It’s business for them.
And a very lucrative one at that.
The only way they lose money is if they solve your hair problem.
Once they solve this problem, you stop buying their products.
When you stop buying their products, your wallet closes tight.
Your closed wallet is BAD news for those businesses.
They don’t want that.
Yet when you try the method I’ve discovered…
A method that I call a “Divine Locks” method…
And shared with hundreds of women all over the country…
Who shared this method with their friends…
You will see not only why I guarantee this absolutely works…
I hope now you can see why most products you’ve tried failed.
It wasn’t because there was something wrong with you.
Instead, it’s because there is a bigger plan against you and your beautiful hair the big companies have in mind.
However, you’re here now.
Once you realize that all it takes to revitalize your dry, lifeless hair… is a 15-second morning ritual.
The same ritual women of India have used for more than 2000 years…
So they keep their gorgeous, thick, long hair well into their 70s and 80s.
This nutrient has only gotten more potent over time.
And it’s been tried by over 9,851 women with results that even shocked me.
And as I said, I actually didn’t discover this ingredient.
The way I learned about it is nothing less than a divine intervention - that’s the only way I can describe it.
And you will soon see why I genuinely think so.
She was an aunt of my daughter’s husband.
Her name was Carly.
I couldn’t believe what I saw the first time I met her.
She had the most amazing hair I’ve ever seen... especially for a 56-year-old woman.
Her thick and silky locks bounced in unison with each step she took.
I swear,
At first, I thought it was all fake.
Maybe she had tape-in extensions.
These days you can get extensions or even wigs that look incredibly natural.
But no.
It was real.
What’s more
It was thick, shiny, wavy, and healthy looking.
And she had a LOT of it.
There were no thinning spots or bald patches, even at the temples.
She looked like she just walked out of a hair salon.
At first, I thought she came to pity me.
Yet that wasn’t the case at all.
This woman told me her story of struggling with her hair.
Honestly, I found that hard to believe… until she showed me her before pictures.
And I didn’t need to see the after. Because there she was, sitting in front of me in the flesh.
After she told me her story, she gave me a phone number.
Carly said to give a call to this lady named Kayla Rochin.
And then she left.
Honestly, I didn’t think long and hard about calling this Kayla.
Besides, I was so tired of playing Russian roulette with different products…
Gambling my money on products that already failed to work…
Making me feel disappointed in my hair and myself…
And worst of all… I lost all hope of ever getting the beautiful locks back.
I felt betrayed and heartbroken by all the products that made me feel like something was wrong with me.
So I grabbed my phone and called Kayla.
It turned out Kayla wasn’t just any random woman.
She was a cosmetologist.
But not just any.
Kayla owned a salon in the heart of LA.
She had passed the country's most challenging state board exam with flying colors…
On top of that, Kayla has been known to be the go-to “hair miracle worker” for some of the most celebrities and music producers.
People you’ve certainly seen on TV and read about in popular magazines.
Regarding hair, Kayla was the best go-to person in the entire state.
Yet the thing that Kayla is mainly known for isn't her certificates or work with celebrities,
Kayla has been a godsend to women just like you and me.
When I called Kayla, I told her I needed to see her.
But I held back my story.
It was very personal, and I didn't want to share.
Yet when she said that the earliest appointment I could get was 8 months away…
I had to do something.
I couldn’t wait.
Because with every passing day, your body loses more hair…
Yet most of the women looked just like me. So your hair breaks, looks dull and dry and falls out.
And at this pace, I could go bald in 8 months.
So I confessed.
I told her my embarrassing story…
And three days later, I was on my way to Kayla’s office.
When I arrived at her office and walked in…
I felt like I was walking into the Hall of Fame…
There were “before and after” photos of hundreds of women on every wall…
Some of these people are celebrities.
If I told you their names, you’d know exactly who they are.
As I was staring at the pictures, I felt a warm feeling inside my chest.
For the first time in a long time, I felt hopeful.
Hopeful that this time things will be different.
That maybe… just maybe, I won’t have to cover my head with someone else’s hair…
A receptionist interrupted my thoughts and asked me to follow her to Kayla ’s office.
I felt nervous.
Kayla greeted me with a huge smile on her face.
Yet the second I walked in, tears went down my cheeks.
I couldn’t stop.
Kayla rushed towards me and gave me a big hug, and said:
As our appointment continued, Kayla told me more about her obsession with finding a solution to billions of women’s biggest woe.
She told me that her interest in helping women overcome their hair struggles began in 2014…
She was tired of seeing her clients struggling to find the best product to fix their thinning and balding…
And as a cosmetologist, she felt there wasn’t even a product she could recommend to her clients.
A product that could fix the problem once and forever.
So she decided to solve the puzzle herself.
That’s how she stumbled across a paper from the most prestigious Ivy League Medical School in Boston…i
Kayla pulled a desk drawer, took the study out, and opened the page with a simple diagram (the one you see right here)
She explained that this was a picture of a hair follicle - the part of your skin where the hair grows.
It’s kind of like a plant pot for your hair.
Each color on the diagram is a different type of cell…
Grey is the hair shaft…
Yellow is the cuticle…
They’re called the “Dermal Papillae.”
These cells sit at the base of the hair follicle and deliver essential nutrients to your hair.
So while this study from an Ivy League school described how these cells are responsible for the health of your hair…
So Kayla carried on to explain precisely how this works
“See, these green cells fold over as we age and get ‘pinched.’
When this happens, the flow of nutrients to your hair practically stops.
This means your hair begins to starve.
Think of this as if you were to stop watering your plants.
First, they would become weak, some leaves would fall off, and eventually, the plant would die.
This is what happens to your hair as you age.”
When I heard these, it all made sense.
And honestly, I was speechless.
That’s why no matter how many products I used…
How many collagen powders did I add to my morning coffee…
No matter how many prescription creams I got…
Nothing worked.
This explains why our hair is strong and beautiful when we’re young…
Then as we age – and the Dermal Papilla gets “pinched,” reducing the flow of nutrients to our hair…
We notice bald spots, thinner strands, and a generally unhealthier head of hair.
However, as Kayla continued to explain, unfortunately, this is just part of the story.
Because things get worse.
See, during her quest to discover why women lose hair as we age…
She found several studies proving that
This means while many of your Dermal Papilla cells are being pinched (stopping the nutrient flow)…
Some are disappearing altogether!
It’s a double whammy that suffocates your follicles from the nutrients they need to grow thick, strong, and beautiful hair.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing
However as she explained, my hair problems were caused by the Dermal Papillae cells being “pinched” and bringing the flow of hair nutrients to a stop…
This explains why it's virtually impossible to fix your hair from the “outside” – no matter how many oils, creams, or lotions you rub into your scalp!
And this was a natural process!
An inevitable part of aging.
But Kayla reassured me this was actually great news.
That’s when I felt that warm feeling inside my chest getting even warmer.
I started to feel hopeful.
I now knew why my hair was falling out like crazy…
The only thing was left to do if find out how to fix the pinched hair follicles
So I asked Kayla the most natural question.
“How do I unpinch the follicles then?”
Kayla smiled at me and said:
“That's what I wanted to figure out as well.”
See, even after seeing the undeniable scientific proof that there IS a way to fix hair thinning and hair loss…
Doctors still didn’t know much more about the Dermal Papillae cells.
(this is not all that surprising considering that women’s health problems always seem ignored!)
So Kayla decided to take the matter into her hands and find a safe and easy way to “unpinch” the cells.
The entire process took her over 5 years. There were lots of trials and errors...
However, most of her attempts failed.
Through her research, she discovered an obscure group of natural Indian herbs…
These herbs are scarce because they comprise less than 0.005% of all plants worldwide. iv
She tried them all, yet only one looked promising. v
Surprisingly it was also the only way women of India have been using to keep their hair thick, bouncing, long, and gorgeous.
Women of that region use this herb from a very young age.
And every little girl uses it as a part of her hair routine.
And since her discovery, she’s been using it in her own dermatological clinic and has seen AMAZING results like these…
Women just like you and I have seen their bald patches disappear entirely.
Some have been able to grow their hair by full 6 inches of strong, silky, and thick layers.
And others are finally able to get their sexy waves back.
However, Kayla didn’t stop there.
See, these results were only made possible because Kayla Rochin found an unusual study involving this super nutrient and the dermal layer of the skin…
The study found that this nutrient accelerated cell proliferation dramatically...vi
This means this supernutrient rapidly pushes vital minerals and vitamins into your hair…
…breathing life into your hair.
That’s when Kayla began to wonder…
“If this super nutrient could rapidly accelerate the creation of new cells in the skin…
Could it also be used to create BRAND-NEW Dermal Papilla cells and “unpinch” the flow of nutrients for women everywhere?”
So she got to work.
See, not only this Indian super nutrient has the power to unpinch the Dermal Papillae…
Yet it also boosts the number of new Dermal Papillae cells by 200%! vii
This means when you use this ingredient, not only do you unpinch already existing dermal papillae…
So more nutrients flood your hair, making it stronger, thicker, and alive…
But this nutrient can also give birth to new Derma Papillae cells giving you a chance to regrow beautiful, healthy hair.
Moreover, Kayla also discovered this Indian secret might also extend your hair’s growth phase…viii
That’s exactly how most Indian aunties have long, thick, shiny hair.
After Kayla showed me all the studies along with the before and after pictures, the only question in my mind was:
Turns out it’s pretty difficult to source this nutrient from India.
Especially after the entire world got shut down.
You COULD find some wanna-be derivatives online…
Yet those are mostly scammers prying on innocent women just like you and me.
That’s why Kayla only works with one supplier she knows she can trust.
Because she tests every single package that comes in.
That’s why she only has a couple of bottles at a time.
What if she doesn’t have this nutrient on hand? What would I do then?
Will I have to wait, and if so, how long?
Luckily for me, Kayle had just one bottle left.
So she gave it to me.
She instructed me to take two capsules first thing in the morning for 30 days straight.
Kayla was expecting a shipment very soon, so by the time I’d run out…
She would be able to give me more bottles.
I grabbed the bottle, thanked Kayla, and practically ran out of her office.
I couldn’t wait until the following day.
I had to start taking this super nutrient now!
So I opened the bottle and took the capsules.
Honestly, I don’t know what I was expecting.
I knew anticipating a full head of hair after just a few seconds after taking the nutrient was silly.
Yet I was so excited and could not wait to see how it would work.
A few days passed, and I took Kayla's capsules religiously.
I didn’t expect significant changes, yet I was hopeful.
But there was a change!
I first noticed a decrease in the amount of hair on my pillow in the morning.
And every time I brushed my hair… the hairbrush was almost clean.
Sure, there was some hair foliage, but that’s to be expected.
The next day, I noticed my hair got shinier…
The next day after, the wispy ends have disappeared.
My husband and I were getting ready for dinner with friends.
I was putting on make-up…
And as I leaned closer to the mirror to apply my mascara…
I noticed baby hair growing all over my bald spots
Even around my temples!
I wanted to scream! I was so happy
See, as we were getting ready to leave the house, my hubby looked at me.
Jason was looking at me, smiling… and I felt seen for the first time in ages.
I could see that playful spark in his eyes again.
I felt giddy and couldn’t stop blushing.
“Oh, it’s the new hair product I’m trying, nothing special,”
I said.
“Well, whatever you’re doing, I like what I see.”
He winked at me, grabbed my hand, and walked outside to our car.
Needless to say, I kept taking this supernutrient.
I couldn’t stop.
The results spoke for themselves.
My hair has grown by a full inch.
It looked alive.
And it was stronger, thicker, and even bouncier.
So much so that when I met with my daughter for lunch about a month after my appointment from Kalya…
She couldn’t believe what she saw.
So I shared with her my trip to Kayla’s office.
And everything about the supernutrient.
The whole thing seemed like a dream.
But it really wasn’t.
I knew this supernutrient was the only answer to my hair and your hair problem.
And the reason I knew this wasn’t only because of my results.
But instead, after lunch with my daughter, a woman approached me.
She was a complete stranger.
She apologized profusely, but she overheard my conversation with my daughter.
And she was wondering where she could get this nutrient.
That’s when I knew…
So when I got home, I sent Kayla a message.
I shared my results with her.
I showed her all the pictures.
But more importantly, I told her about my interaction with that woman.
And I practically begged her to consider making this supernutrient public.
I sent her a message and didn’t hear anything back until after a few days had passed.
It was one thing to share my story with Kayla…
Yet it was totally different to share it with millions of people.
But then I remembered the light and the voice I heard.
And I knew this was the reason why I still am alive today.
So I vowed to get this supernutrient to women all over the globe, not just the country.
I want to see them transform their hair as much as I did.
We, women, must stick together and help each other as much as possible.
Today I see a confident, beautiful, powerful, and gorgeous woman whenever I look in the mirror.
My husband can’t keep his hands off me as we wind down in the evenings…
Random men and women approach me, complimenting my hair and how great I look…
Yet the best part is…
I am no longer limited by just one boring hairstyle.
I can put my hair up, wear it down, or put it in a sexy long ponytail…
Or create a messy bun look…
My daughter and I are now even sharing cute hairdos we see on Instagram.
So I would hate myself if I didn’t do everything I could to put the “Divine Locks Super Nutrient” into the hands of the millions of women who need it.
However, I didn’t want just to stop here.
I knew if I wanted to help as many women as possible to regain their youth and power back…
I would love to give every woman every advantage possible.
So Kayla and I decided to do something never done in history.
Something that most hair care companies, clinicians, and even dermatologists would never do.
Simply because their prime motivator is to separate you from your money.
My motivation is to save lives and relationships.
Kayla and I created a compound, unlike anything you’ve ever seen.
I asked Kayla to reach out to the best lab in the country to replicate the compound of this super nutrient, to replicate it, and put it in the capsules.
Kayla and I spent everything in our saving account to help support this process.
And when a few weeks later, the bottles with the “golden” capsules showed up on my door steps…
The secret only Indian women know about… and use to this day… so they are known to have the best hair on the planet…
And the capsules were small enough for someone like me who struggles with swallowing pills.
Plus, drinkable collagen powders… are a new fad lately… don’t absorb better than the capsules. They don’t dissolve and taste horrible.
I knew Kayla, and I had the best solution on the market.
We checked every box.
Every bottle and every capsule was GMP certified.
It’s 100% plant-based. It’s vegan, cruelty-free, fair trade, kosher, and non-GMO.
It’s made from the purest ingredients taken from the Indian Gooseberries from the heart of India.
And you know what this meant.
And over 9,851 women later… we went viral… every woman shared her pictures…
We ran out of stock three times.
My girlfriends contacted me, asking me to save the bottles.
But I couldn’t hold on to the product.
So Kayla and I decided to make the biggest batch possible.
It was a huge financial risk.
However, at least we knew we would have enough bottles to advertise online.
And now you know how you got on this page.
The results were pouring in…
I had so much broken hair. But now I’m seeing less shedding, less breakage, and my hair is healthier than it ever looked. I finally have to stop wearing a hat! Thanks, Divine Locks Complex!
Laura R.
Great news! I got my hair cut today and the stylist complimented on how lovely and healthy my hair looked! She even asked me what my secret was!
Lynette S.
I love the Divine Locks Complex. It has transformed my hair, especially around my temples. Every day I’m excited to look in the mirror and see my new reflection back
Penny R.
We compete with them.
They are busy taking money away from people so they can stuff their suede-lined pockets and fund their fancy vacations…
While Kayla and I get the results for people.
That’s why they want us to shut down.
However, I wasn’t really satisfied with the end product…
I knew Mother Nature had everything we needed, like herbs, roots, plants, and minerals… designed to help with keeping our hair shiny, silky, strong, and thick…
So I asked Kayla if she thought that it would be a good idea to put them all together with the Indian super nutrient…
To speed up the results.
And right now, I want to share with you the herbs I’m talking about.
No matter your age…
Your cultural background…
Or where you live…
These herbs are backed by hard sciences from Top Ivy League Universities and leading research centers.
Here are all 13 miracle herbs.
First of course is…
According to the Auravedic scriptures, this herb has been used for over 2000 years by women in India.
Indian women use this berry from a very young age.
Every morning they eat this plant to grow their hair and keep it long, thick, silky, and glowing.
This ”Divine Locks” super nutrient is also called Phyllanthus emblica in the science community.
It’s the first ingredient inside the world’s ONLY supplement designed to “unpinch” your Dermal Papilla cells.
Yet this is just one out of 13 supernutrients that you will find in this one-of-a-kind supplement.
Because both Kayla and I didn't want to just stop at Indian Gooseberry.
It started with Indian Gooseberry, but then we found another 12 more ingredients that attack hair loss, balding, thinning, and excessive falling at its source.
These ingredients help you stop hair loss and regrow and revitalize the hair you’ve always dreamed of.
This nutrient comes from a plant root native to southern parts of Asia.
According to various studies from the Top Universities, Fo-Ti enhances the power of the Indian Gooseberry…
This means it unpinches your folded Derma Pappilla cells faster and creates new hair follicles.
For example, one published study showed that Fo-Ti revitalizes the growth phase of the hair cycle…
In fact, those who took Fo-Ti for three weeks DOUBLED the number of NEW hair follicles. xi
And this isn’t the only incredible study showing how Fo-Ti can end your hair nightmare…
Another study involving 507 men and women showed staggering results…
Out of 507 people, 390 saw a significant reduction in hair loss when taking a Fo-Ti supplement.
And over 456 people saw a lot of new growth…xii
With this Divine Locks supernutrient combo – you can see more growth than before…
So the next time you see your old school friends or distant relatives…
Be ready to leave them speechless at how amazing your hair now looks!
You might have heard about the benefits of seaweed.
Especially when it comes to skincare.
That is why seaweed extract is one of the most widely-studied nutrients
Several top universities have studied this nutrient and its miraculous benefits.
However, there is one study, in particular, you should know about.
This means there is a solid chance for you to start regrowing your hair faster than you thought possible.
Incredible, right?
So alongside the two super nutrients I’ve already shared – the seaweed extract will speed up the process of “unpinching.”
So you can see brand new hair in place of your bald patches and finally reclaim your gorgeous locks faster than ever thought possible
This is why Kayla used a few different kinds of seaweed extracts in this unique supplement.
These are Bladder wrack, Nori, Yaki, and Wakame
If you’re thinking, “I’ve never heard of any of these nutrients before,”…
Don’t worry – I hadn’t either!
But I trusted Kayla and the science.
Yet these are not the only ingredients that help you regrow the hair you had in your 20s quickly…
A study was published in the Journal of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology… xv.
It showed that Gotu Kola increases the SIZE of Dermal Papilla cells…
Just look at this picture below – you can see it for yourself!
Gotu Kola creates wider Dermal Papilla cells.
This means you get even MORE nutrients and oxygen into your hair.
I thought this was amazing – but then Kayla showed me a different study… xvi,
This paper proved that Gotu Kola promotes FASTER and LONGER hair growth by 89%…
While also increasing density by 30% within only 45 days!
Yet these four aren’t the only ingredients that make hair loss and balding optional, not a must.
See, grape seeds are rich in antioxidants called “Proanthocyanidins”…
These antioxidants give certain plants and flowers red, blue, or purple colors.
A study published in the National Library of Medicine showed Proanthocyanidins promote new hair growth by 230%…xvii
This means if you’ve been losing hair year after year…
Filling in your hair parting with makeup…
Or always wearing your hair up to hide the bald patches…
The grape seed extract inside this unique supplement could help you stop hair loss, and regrow the new thicker, longer, and stronger hair.
Yet to make your hair look as thick as an Amazon rainforest, you need to know about this next ingredient.
Don’t get it confused with the type used to create stretchy leggings…
This type of Silica is safe to ingest and proven to grow and thicken your hair…
One double-blind, placebo-controlled study…
Involving women aged between 21 and 75 years…
Showed that Silica promoted “significant hair growth in women” by 124%…xviii
Just to make sure there weren’t any mistakes.
So they ran another randomized control study.
This time they asked 48 women to split into two groups… xx.
One had a silica tablet, and the other one received a placebo.
In the group that took silica…
Hair breakages declined by 10.8%…
While the scientists also declared that silica “resulted in thicker hair”…
It’s the ultimate knockout combo
Even if Kayla and I stopped here with these six ingredients, this unique supplement would STILL be one of the most potent, effective, and guaranteed ways to support healthy hair and fight hair loss.
But this supplement also includes:
It may sound scary – but this organic compound will be your secret weapon in the fight against hair loss! A recent study found that MSM improved hair appearance by 12.5%… improved hair volume by 22.4%… and improved hair shine by 29.2%! xxi
38% of women are deficient in Biotin. Yet 18 studies show that this nutrient fights back against hair loss. xxii While one study found that Biotin led to 32% more new hair growth… and 39% less shedding! xxiii
Antioxidants promote hair growth by eliminating free radicals from your body. Selenium is responsible for regenerating antioxidants within your body naturally! xxiv
Almost nobody knows of this nutrient… but it’s been shown to xxv fight premature hair loss. xxvi
This nutrient supports a healthy inflammatory and antioxidant response – both significant promoters of healthy hair xxvii
This is one of my favorites! Researchers found that astaxanthin created 22.5% more hair follicles than a placeboafter only 12 weeks! xxix
Kayla wanted one final push to “unpinches” the Dermal Papilla cells. She turned to Hyaluronic acid – which is proven to “significantly stimulate cell proliferation [of] Dermal Papillae cell.” xxx
However, going through this process myself, I can tell you this is an extremely laborious activity.
After searching for suppliers for over 16 months…
I know firsthand how difficult AND expensive it can be to get the absolute best results using this cocktail…
The ingredients must be ultra-grade and free of pesticides and toxins.
Plus, they must be combined in a perfect dose of each ingredient for maximum results.
That’s the bad news.
The good news is getting access to such premium herbal supplements is now available…
Because after 16 months in the lab…
Kayla and her team are pleased to announce that we created a perfect new breakthrough formula…
Something that contains the purest and the best forms of these herbs on the market.
And it’s called
The Divine Locks Complex uses science-backed nutrients to “unpinch” each of these cells…
Delivering vital nutrients to each malnourished strand of hair…
Breathing new life into them
Revitalizing them…
Each capsule contains 1,210 mg of milligrams of the purely natural herbal blend…
The same miracle supernutrients proven by science to restore, regrow and revive your weak and lifeless hair.
All this comes together to make the most effective hair restoration supplement ever…
The results speak for themselves.
Almost every woman who tries Divine Locks Complex keeps asking for more bottles… and telling all her friends about this miracle.
Because they never have to worry about going bald or looking like a sick person ever again.
And considering that most hair restoration products are mostly made of chemicals…
Because these herbs are like a nurturing hug to your hair from Mother Nature itself.
Especially when adding these natural miracles to your body has never been easier.
And the thing is…
While these herbs are insanely good for your hair…
As I mentioned, getting your hands on them is extremely difficult.
Specifically in the purest form.
Some of them go as high as $10 dollars apiece.
And seeing there are 28 ingredients in this hair miracle cocktail…
The cost quickly adds up to the tune of $180 or even more every 30 days.
I know this price tag is simply not affordable for most of us.
Yet you face another issue if you choose to source each ingredient on your own.
And this issue is a HUGE problem in the supplement industry.
Which is quality and purity.
I’ve heard stories of shady companies selling supplements that don’t include the ingredients they claim are in the product.
Or they only have trace amounts of the “star ingredients…” you see on the bottle.
This makes it feel like you’re gambling every time you buy a product.
That’s why when I decided to work with Kayla, I knew there had to be a much better option out there…
A way that helps you find all these ingredients in one supplement…
An ultra-pure, ultra-grade supplement that’s free of toxins and pesticides…
And the one you that can breathe life into your hair in 15 seconds a day…
So you can push the aging clock a few decades back…
And keep attracting welcome attention from your partner and jealous looks from your girlfriends.
I got all these and MORE after taking Divine Locks Complex for just the first 30 days…
And I don’t want any woman to stay awake at night…
Cry silently, or hide the tears from your partner…
Wondering if you will lose your hair forever…
This is why I will share with you how you can get your hands on brand-new bottles of Divine Locks Complex in the next few moments.
And how you can try it risk-free as a part of our breakthrough “New Hair, New Me” program.
However, first, let me answer the burning question I suspect you might have:
Just two capsules each day for at least 30 days.
Now the reason it’s crucial you take Divine Locks Complex for at least 30 days is straightforward.
See, while those 13 super nutrients get to work immediately…
What all the studies I shared with you showed…
Is that the longer you take each of these super nutrients inside the Divine Locks Complex… The better your hair looks.
And I am living proof of that!
The longer I take Divine Locks Complex, the better my locks look.
Today, the most famous hair restoration treatment cost up to $200 per bottle.
And most of the time, it doesn’t work.
The only available guaranteed treatment is a hair transplant.
And that can cost up to $8,000.
While most Divine Locks Complex costs is a few pennies per day (I’ll share more on that in a second)
This is why so many experts recommend you choose at least 3 bottles of Divine Locks Complex at a time.
And this is why most of our customers get 6 bottles to be completely safe
Then take this miracle super nutrient cocktail for at least 90 days…
This way, you can absolutely guarantee you’ve done everything you could to breathe life into your hair…
Revitalize the weak strands, and get the hair you’ve always wanted.
All across the U.S., women who have been quietly worried about going bald, losing their hair, and their beauty…
Women who were finding it so hard to fix their wispy ends, brittle hair, and bald spots…
And today, this is your golden opportunity to join them.
Women like Tiffany M. from Waco, TX, who says:
It’s only been 4 days, but my hair is already feeling softer. Looking forward to the next few weeks!
Tiffany M. from Waco, TX
have some new hair starting to grow back in. Thank you!
Sam P. from Somerville, MA
I am enjoying the Divine Locks Complex – and I stopped taking several other supplements. Thank you!
Martha L. from Dayton, OH
However, you should know that this natural hair revitalization miracle is ONLY available on this website.
While supplies are still in stock, I can keep this website live.
The truth is…
It’s critical you don’t put this decision off…
Something that makes you wake up every day and love what you see in the mirror.
Feel the confidence surging through your body…
Without ever worrying about going bald and losing your secret power…
Every day you take Divine Locks Complex capsules…
Is a day when you have the chance to be free from worry!
Free from feeling self-conscious about your looks everywhere you go…
Free from frantically checking your pillow in the morning to see how much hair fell out…
Free from playing Russian roulette with new hair products doomed to make you feel disappointed in your hair and yourself.
When you catch your partner staring at you with the kind of lustful hunger he had during your honeymoon.
And your girlfriends always ask you what’s your hair secret, envying your new thick, long, and silky locks.
You can probably understand why my friends and family were adamant I set the price of this breakthrough at $199 per bottle.
And honestly, both Kayla and I think this is extremely fair…
Especially considering how much time, effort, and cost of acquiring the rare ingredients in the Divine Locks Complex…
However, while I know we could charge $199 per bottle of the Divine Locks Complex… and people will gladly pay for it…
This isn’t about making a profit for both Kayla and me.
This is why if you decide to take action right now…
You won’t need to spend $199 for a bottle… or even $99…
And why, instead, by taking action today…
You can order Divine Locks for Just $199 $39 per bottle today.
You see…
Because so many studies show that the longer you take the ingredients inside Divine Locks Complex.
The more your hair benefits from them…
And because so many people have been ordering multiple bottles of Divine Locks Complex at a time…
That way, they can share them with their family and friends as well…
Kayla and I have created an even better discount program where…
Best Value Package
6 month supply
List Price : $294.00
(Total: $204.00)
You Save : $90
Set Me Free Free US shipping
Most Popular Package
3 month supply
List Price : $147.00
(Total: $111.00)
You Save : $36
Set Me Free Free US shipping
sample Package
1 month supply
List Price : $49.00
(Total: $39.00)
You Save : $10
Set Me Free + small shipping fee
So click the 6-bottle package or any other package below to secure your order.
You’ll also get free shipping today when you order the 3 or 6-bottle package, which is a $19.99 value right there…
However, the free shipping and this insane deep discount are only available on this website today.
That’s why you really need to take action right now.
Kayla Rochin has her own version of the
However, I understand we’re all different, and maybe your hair is so unique that there is an unlikely chance this won't work.
If that’s the case, you pay nothing.
And I know there are lots of so-called hair experts yapping about their guarantees.
That’s why I want to put my money where my mouth is…
By offering you the opportunity to try Divine Locks Complex for yourself for the next 6 months… with absolutely no financial risk whatsoever.. your decision to purchase is really easy.
Simply click on one of the packages below and start your order...
And claim your own supply of Divine Locks Complex right now…
Then, when your order arrives in just a few business days from now…
I want you to tear open that box, grab your first bottle, and start using Divine Locks Complex every single day...
And that after you’ve taken Divine Locks Complex for the next few months…
You’ll never want to go another day without this amazing anti-hair loss breakthrough…
But if for any reason I’m wrong…
If you aren’t head-over-heels in LOVE with your experience with Divine Locks Complex...
Then you don’t pay a dime...
Simply call or email my U.S.-based Customer Service Team… and we’ll refund your purchase without questions asked...
And you’ll get to keep the bottles - they are yours as my way of saying “thank you” for trying Divine Locks Complex.
And the only reason I’m able to offer such a bold guarantee...
Is because I’m confident you will be blown away by what life feels like after using Divine Locks Complex.
And that you’ll become a loyal customer for life...
You’ve seen the science…
You’ve seen the studies…
You’ve heard from everyday women who have restored their hair, beauty, youth, and confidence thanks to the power of Divine Locks Complex and all the benefits it gives you…
Yet you still get a full 180 Days to decide if Divine Locks Complex is right for you...
Best Value Package
6 month supply
List Price : $294.00
(Total: $204.00)
You Save : $90
Set Me Free Free US shipping
Most Popular Package
3 month supply
List Price : $147.00
(Total: $111.00)
You Save : $36
Set Me Free Free US shipping
sample Package
1 month supply
List Price : $49.00
(Total: $39.00)
You Save : $10
Set Me Free + small shipping fee
This letter is now ending, and ultimately the choice is yours.
Right now, you have an opportunity to join thousands of women just like you…
Those who have already said “YES” to Divine Locks Complex and are opting out of paying outrageous rates for hair treatments, regrowth serums, and tape-in extensions.
While fighting the war against hair troubles, so many people go through it once they turn 40…
And now it’s your turn…
But to join these women, you need to take action today.
That’s your first choice…
However, your other option is not to take any action at all…
To instead, click away from this page and continue with your day.
If you make that second choice, there are no hard feelings, and I wish you all the best…
Imagine the next time it’s late at night, and you’re awake in bed, hiding tears from your husband…
Riddled with fear and feelings of uneasiness that you might be going bald soon…
Frustrated that nothing you’ve been trying to make your hair look alive again works…
Worrying about your husband looking at other women…
Wondering what your girlfriends say about your thinning hairline…
And that it’s getting worse by the day…
The feelings of worry and anxiety run through your mind like a thief stealing joy from life.
Won’t you think back to this moment…
When you had the chance to claim your very own supply of Divine Locks Complex at huge savings…
While there were supplies in stock?
I would strongly urge you to make the smart decision...
And say “YES” to Divine Locks Complex right now.
Get started now by just clicking on one of the packages you see below…
And claim your supply of this cutting-edge breakthrough…
While it is available to the public, and while I do have bottles on hand.
Your decision today is covered by a full 180 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee…
So you truly have nothing to lose…
Ultimately the decision is yours…
But I trust you’ll make the right choice...
By clicking on one of the packages, you see right below and placing your order.
Thank you so much for spending your time with me today…
And I look forward to hearing about your success with Divine Locks Complex.
God Bless,
Rebecca Armstrong
Best Value Package
6 month supply
List Price : $294.00
(Total: $204.00)
You Save : $90
Set Me Free Free US shipping
Most Popular Package
3 month supply
List Price : $147.00
(Total: $111.00)
You Save : $36
Set Me Free Free US shipping
sample Package
1 month supply
List Price : $49.00
(Total: $39.00)
You Save : $10
Set Me Free + small shipping fee
More than a dozen studies back up the ingredients in Divine Locks Complex. It works by unpinching the Derma Papillae.
Because of this, fresh, vital nutrients get delivered to your malnourished strands of hair.
Divine Locks Complex also helps your scalp grow more, with better quality Derma Papillae. Thus helping you grow thick, luscious, and bouncy hair.
Divine Locks Complex is made in the United States, in a facility that follows all GMP manufacturing guidelines…
It’s manufactured in an FDA-registered facility with rigorous regulations…
We also have our formula tested by an independent third-party laboratory to ensure that what's on the label is inside...
There are absolutely no fillers, preservatives, and no artificial ingredients…
...making this an incredibly pure yet highly effective breakthrough against hair loss.
It’s hard to say…
My goal is to get this breakthrough which is Divine Locks Complex, to as many American women as possible…
Especially since Divine Locks Complex presents such a revolution…
And since the beauty industry has TRIPLED the prices of their hair care products…
I plan to make it available to every American woman for just pennies a day...
Yet while that’s my goal…
There are a LOT of powerful people out there who hate what I’m doing…
And I know they’d love nothing more to shut me up…
So between the fact that I’m making a ton of enemies…
And that each bottle of Divine Locks Complex can take up to 3 months to manufacture…
I simply cannot guarantee how long this site will remain online, or if we’ll have bottles in stock…
This is why if you’re ready to experience the incredible benefits of Divine Locks Complex…
It’s essential that you take action today by ordering your supply…
It’s easy…
Click on one package right below and place your order.
Our 6 Bottle Package is by far the most popular option because of all the added savings you get…
But no matter which package you choose…
The moment you place your order…
We’ll rush Divine Locks Complex out to you…
Then, once you’ve received your order in a few short days from now…
Simply start taking these breakthrough “miracle supernutrients” each day…
And I’m confident you’ll be amazed by just how different you look and feel...
Plus. as I just mentioned, this is all covered by that 180 Day, with 100% Money Back Guarantee…
So go ahead and place your order now…
That way, you can experience the power of Divine Locks Complex for yourself right away!
Best Value Package
6 month supply
List Price : $294.00
(Total: $204.00)
You Save : $90
Set Me Free Free US shipping
Most Popular Package
3 month supply
List Price : $147.00
(Total: $111.00)
You Save : $36
Set Me Free Free US shipping
sample Package
1 month supply
List Price : $49.00
(Total: $39.00)
You Save : $10
Set Me Free + small shipping fee